
Musk Mallow

Oxeye Daisy

Palmate Hop Clover

Queen Anne's Lace

Rabbit-Foot Clover

Red Clover

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose
(found this beside the road - Don't know if wild or not)

Spotted Knapweed

Spreading Dogbane

St. John's-Wort

Swamp Candles

This one is as yet unidentified... (Eastern Star Flower?)

White Baneberry

Yellow Sweet Clover

Marsh Marigold

Trout Lily

Northern Pitcher Plant

Young Skunk Cabbage

While out looking at wildflowers, you never know what else you might see......

...You might see large creatures like these cows,......

...Or small creatures like this bright metallic green Six-Spotted Green Tiger Beetle!

(to view larger size of individual flower photo)