Our first week of vacation was spent above Jackman, Maine. The only rain we had was just after we got our campsite set up.

We caught a LOT of trout while we were up there. We released most of them 'cause we didn't want to have to eat ten trout a day (which is the possession limit for two people here in Maine). We did keep ten one day and shared them with the folks camping next to us. See the dark one with the red fins -- that one is a real native brookie.

Here it is from another angle.

Guess who caught it!!!

I often help clean the trout, too.

While we were there, we fished brooks and streams - like Alder Stream.

We fished in beaver bogs like this one

In this bog, Katie got worried when she couldn't see Jim, so she climbed a tree to get a better view.

Once she had spied him and saw that he was heading back to where we were, she came back down the tree.

She was happy when he got back to us.

We had a blast fishing Alder Pond. Length limit there is 10" and the biggest one we caught there was 9 and 3/4 inches so we didn't get to keep any. but we sure had fun!!

Still fishing Alder Pond

The trout all put up a really good fight!!

Alder Pond is a beautiful little pond.

We spent most of one day there.

We saw this Northern Pitcher Plant on the shore of Alder Pond.

We were going to take a ride in to Ironbound Pond. Our neighbor had told us how beautiful it was. But when we got to the last bridge.......

....it was too rotted to drive over!! Since it was late in the day and still about 4 miles or more to Ironbound, we decided not to walk in. Maybe another time.

From the campsite, I walk down to Fish Pond.

It, too, is a beautiful little pond.

At the boat landing of Fish Pond is this memorial to Scott Cook. We were told that he was a youg man who loved Fish Pond so much that his ashes were scattered over the Pond after he died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage.

And who are these friendly folks??? They are the folks we shared our campsite with....

Meet Mr. Marvin Crump...

....his wife Connie....

...Connie's brother Donald and his friend Jean.

And this is the Crumps' dog Molly.

Flowers grew everywhere along the woods roads.

Wish I could grow a flower garden as beautiflly as God does!!

The flowers made me forget all the dust from the dirt roads.

I love wildflowers!!

We stopped to check out a brook when this partridge hen popped up out of the grass.

Then one of her chicks popped up!!

We went eight miles above Jackman toward Canada to get drinking water from the spring up there and stopped in to see The Falls.

The Falls are beautiful!

Katie got all tuckered out while camping and slept on her bed all the way home!!